
H wang


A full stack engineer and also a freelancer, Having years of development experience(Over 7 years), the main types of products I have worked on include NFTs, Dapp,Telegram mini appTelegram bot, Website, backend management system, hybrid app, etc.


React, Next.js, Vue, Nuxt.js, Node.js, NextUI, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, Web3.js, Ethers.js...


If you have any development needs, you can contact me

Telegram: @haowang20
X: @wanghao21
Email: 1750110604@qq.com
WeChat: alert_wanghao


CogniXphereBot(@CogniXphereBot )

This is a Telegram mini program project that includes tasks and games to earn points. These points will have the opportunity to obtain airdrop tokens after the token is issued.

The main technologies used are React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, telegram, Ton, Tact...

CAT PORTKEY(@frenpetgame_bot )

This is a Telegram mini program project that includes tasks and games to earn points. These points will have the opportunity to obtain airdrop tokens after the token is issued.

The main technologies used are React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, telegram, Ton, Tact...


This is a Telegram mini app project that earns points by completing tasks and clocking in. After the token is issued, the points can be exchanged for tokens.

The main technologies used are React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, telegram, Ton, Tact...


This is a product about NFT derivative platforms, which helps users to mint their own NFT derivatives and then resell them. Unfortunately, the platform has ceased maintenance.

The main technologies used are React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Ethers.js, Metamask...

Credit platform(https://www.hlxy.com/)

This is an enterprise credit reporting platform that allows users to inquire about the specific situation of a company, such as its shareholders, investments, risks, and other information. It also provides credit ratings and exit credit reports for the company.

The main technologies used are Vue, Nuxt.js, Echats, Element UI...


This is an industrial Internet platform, which involves many sub platforms, mainly for factories and farms. By installing sensors in the factory to collect real-time data, the data is transmitted back to the platform for processing, and then some processing instructions are sent back to the factory to enable certain devices to work.

The main technologies used are React, Vue, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Element UI...


If you have any development needs that suit me, feel free to contact me anytime. Thank you.